"When I think about what could have happened, but didn't happen because you made something else happen, I am really thankful to you."

Ms. K lost her public hospital job due to budget cuts. Although she worked temp jobs, she quickly fell behind on her bills. A $1,500 Havens grant, bundled with help from her church, covered her arrears. One month later Ms. K found a new job and was grateful to start it without the burden of debt and still in her home.

Our mission holds as much value in NYC today, as it did when the Havens Relief Fund was founded by Charles Havens 150 years ago. 

When Mr. Havens founded the Society in 1871, he established a unique grant-making approach that is followed to this day. All grants are made through a network of appointed volunteers called Almoners who are empowered on behalf of Havens to act promptly when faced with a New Yorker in crisis. 

Over the past 150 years, Havens has disbursed more than $42 million through its unique model, providing aid in times of dire crisis to 168,000 individuals and families.

These modest grants help to keep families intact in their homes and avoid homelessness; ensure children have clothes for school while their parents look for work; replace belongings lost in a fire, and secure a safe place to live for domestic violence survivors.

100% of your donation provides a helping hand to your fellow New Yorkers in distress. You can help today.